All university sports have been postponed due to the second UK lockdown announced last week, affecting the Dragons preparation for the upcoming 2020-21 season.
The British Universities & Colleges Sport (BUCS) Term 1 had Westminster pooled with different universities who were available for friendlies, including Reading, UCFB and London School of Economics.
The originally scheduled BUCS Term 1 (October-December) is now postponed due to the recent UK lockdown, however, BUCS still plans to operate the original Return to Play Strategy and run the official Basketball 2020-21 season from January 2021.
The second Government UK lockdown will be reviewed on Thursday 3rd December 2020, with rumours and discussions already of possible extensions.
It is disappointing of course, the players were excited to get going and build up the momentum from last season. However, we have to be patient, and when the time is right to return to the court we will be ready.
– Coach Clive Castillo
Westminster awaits their opponents and official league table for the 2020-21 season, BUCS are yet to update. For more information: