GEFF Sports Sponsorship with Westminster Basketball 2017/18

University of Westminster Basketball is proud to announce GEFF Sports as our first official sponsor of 2017/18!

GEFF was born in 2010 as a new business line of the Stampa e Disegno Group, with more than 20 years of experience in the textile industry. Stampa e Disegno manufactures basic apparel for men and women in Spain and in the East. It is a frequent provider for retail and merchandising for big companies such as Carrefour, Coca-Cola, Mahou, Decathlon, and many others.
GEFF came to life due to the need of supplying sports clubs with customisable clothing, taking advantage of the digital impression technology. It has grown at an annual rate higher than 70% and today is the biggest customised sportswear factory in Europe.

Its last generation technology meets a management system, design, layout and digital impression unique in the sector, allowing us to have a high-quality textile manufacturing in mass to a great workforce. [Source: Official GEFF Website)

“It’s a great stepping stone for the University of Westminster Dragons. Our amibitions is to grow as a basketball club, build partnerships and afilliate with expert businesses like GEFF Sports. I’m looking forward to a bright partnership together.”
– Clive Castillo, Programme Director at the University of Westminster


“GEFF Sports is pleased to sponsor the University of Westminster basketball team as our first UK flagship team. We are looking forward to a productive partnership.”
– Ife Turoti, Business Development – GEFF UK

Westminster Dragons sporting the GEFF brand during the teams home LMBL 90-61 victory over CIA.

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